Welcome to the On Earth Podcast!
If you’re the type of person who’s interested in learning things like the science behind wonder and awe, and how it relates to our understanding and experience of faith…or how to look at and understand ancient writings through an evolutionary lens, this podcast is for you. I’m doing this podcast for those of you who love talking about the intricacies of nature, and discussing topics like Consciousness, Beingness, ultimate reality, and our oneness and connection to everything. This podcast is also for you, if the faith that was handed down to you, doesn’t seem to be a good fit for you anymore…or if you’ve outgrown the four-wall church model, and are turned off by outdated hymns, and outdated or even toxic theology. I’m making this podcast for those of you who perhaps have gone through a faith deconstruction process, but you haven’t quite figured out how to integrate everything...or you’re looking for a community that embraces where you’ve finally landed. So, if you’re looking for a safe space to explore spirituality. If investigating fresh ways to think about and engage with the nature of our existence and the source of our Being excites you. If all the ways in which EVERYTHING is connected, and how we can use our energy to bring more healing, hope, and unity into the world is something your interested in being a part of…I invite you to subscribe!
Your Host Samantha Tuttle
Growing up, I was always that kid who was keenly aware of the intricacies of everything. I would notice and study closely the different parts of an insect…how the legs attached to the body, or how a housefly would lick its feet before cleaning its face. I loved studying the shapes and textures of leaves and wildflowers, and it didn’t get any better than finding a box turtle or toad in the woods! Nature for me has always been my direct connection to the Divine. Throughout my life, I’ve always carried my love of nature and science in one hand, and my love for spirituality and theology in the other.
At some point along my spiritual quest, I started connecting the dots between my understanding of evolution in nature, and the evolution of human consciousness in ancient texts. Reading these texts that I had learned as a child, now through the lens of humanity’s growth, progression, and expansion as a species, was like a light switch turning on. Suddenly, I was able to see intricate details I had no idea even existed. Mix in a little Environmental Science and Quantum Physics, and this Enneagram 5 is in her zone! Today, my work involves teaching how intentionally embracing moments of wonder and awe, and paying close attention to the intricacies within them can be the key to creating more love, connection, and wholeness in our world.
We live in an ever evolving, and ever expanding universe. This Universe, Source, Consciousness, God…whatever language best resonates, invites us to align ourselves with its forward movement and highest manifestation of love. The late John Shelby Spong captured the idea perfectly: ”Divinity is not the opposite of humanity. Divinity is the depth of humanity. The only way any of us can ever be divine is to become so deeply and fully human that we are open to whatever the spirit of divinity is to live in us and through us.”
The Fine Print: I have a B.S. in Environmental Science from Ferrum College, & an MDIV from Emory University (Candler School of Theology). I carry, but rarely use the title Reverend (Ordained in the UCC). I'm a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. I'm one of the rare "outgoing" Enneagram Type 5's in the world! I'm married to my husband, Mike, and we have a son & daughter together. I'm a huge U2 fan, and I have a borderline addiction to snorkeling the coral reefs around the island of St. John!
Monday Jan 16, 2023
The Intricacies of Wonder & Awe - Part 3
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Samantha wraps up this three part series on the Intricacies of wonder and awe, by exploring a different way for us to understand the concept of God, and how viewing God through this lens, shifts how we can collectively and intentionally, channel our experiences of wonder and awe to bring healing and wholeness to the world.
Show Notes:
If you'd like to dive deeper into the work of Rupert Spira, here are a few videos to get you started!
Here's the link for the one I mention on the podcast:
How Can I Experience Everything as One, Even Objects?
Here are two other favorites:
What is Enlightenment? How Can it Happen For Me?
I Am The Love With Which I Love
Monday Jan 09, 2023
The Intricacies of Wonder & Awe - Part 2
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
In this episode, Samantha looks at how the latest discoveries about wonder and awe interrelate with humanity's evolving faith and spirituality. She also addresses how outdated understandings of God within religious institutions, has affected our relationships, our communities, and the world as we know it today.
Monday Jan 02, 2023
The Intricacies of Wonder & Awe
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
In this first official episode, Samantha explores the intricacies of wonder & awe, and how she believes these emotions are the essential missing pieces to bringing healing and wholeness to our world.
Here's the link to Dacher Keltner's new book.
Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life:
I thought it was a Ted Talk, but it was a lecture.
Dacher Keltner: Why Awe Is Such an Important Emotion
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
On Earth Trailer
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
The On Earth Podcast explores the intricacies of Spirituality, Science, Wonder & Awe! Subscribe now!